Alright, the last two weeks have been #$*& poor as far as training goes. First of all, I'm in Orlando for another work trip. Guess how much time I have for exercise here, ZERO. Add to that the fact that I've had gourmet food with all the trimmings thrown at me all week. Long days and late nights do not make for a healthy athlete. Once again, feeling out of shape. So, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to post my plans for the next week up for everyone to see so that I'm kept a little more accountable. Not that too many people visit here anyway, but I'll feel more responsible to get my butt in gear.
Monday morning - ride 1 hr before work, after work run 8 400 meter intervals at 1:30 per lap with 2:30 400 meter jogs in between.
Tuesday - Weights, stretching
Wednesday - 8K - Track shak run - 37 minutes or less.
Thursday night - 1.5 hour ride or 27-30 miles.
Friday - rest
Saturday - Red eye run 6 miles - easy 8 min/mile pace.
Let's see how well I stick to this now.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Thoughts on kids and God
Today I found myself in a situation that has become increasingly common, but never as much as today. Today I was uterly surrounded by children. Not kid kids, but more or less babies. The still in diapers, "I soil all of my clothes in drool" kind.
Lauren and I went to my parents house for my father's birthday, he's 57 now. I spent most of the time playing with my 2 year old nephew, Dakota. He's just now becoming fun. His new toy of the day was a old wallet that he'd found. Of course, when he showed it to me I had to give him some money for it. Little did I know, it seems that everyone that saw it had the same thought. He'd racked up quite a stash before I'd gotten there. I need to remember to get one for my future kids. It's quite a racket. Dakota and I wrestled and played in the yard. I tought him how to kick a ball. I taught him how to kick a ball off of my toe like in a football game. I even included a "War Eagle" prior to the kick for special effects.
Afterwards, we went to church to see my best friend's kid be baptised. He's about 6 months old and looks just like his dad. We all went back to his house afterwards for dinner. For whatever reason, it's etiquette to have friends and family over after your kid's baptism. Is it a Southern thing? I don't know. Of my friend's 5 brothers and sisters, there have been 5 boys born with a year. Amazing. Not all of them were there, but with the friends and other family members there, there was quite a gathering of little ones. We had criers, dancers, thumb suckers, gigglers, and pukers. Normally after a day like today, I'd find myself wanted to run away and find a quite little spot to chill out away from all the kids, but not tonight. For whatever reason I saw the beauty and magic of kids and how wonderful of a gift they are from God. Though they come in small packages, they give us a little insight into how God sees us. Just as we love our children, God loves us - even more so. There's a special bond between a parent and a child. I don't think the child could ever love the parent as much as the parent loves the child. The child could never disappoint the parent so much as to cause the parent not to love the child. This is the beauty of God's love. Despite our continuing failures and disobedience, he still loves us as much as ever. Hard to believe. I am so very thankful.
Lauren and I went to my parents house for my father's birthday, he's 57 now. I spent most of the time playing with my 2 year old nephew, Dakota. He's just now becoming fun. His new toy of the day was a old wallet that he'd found. Of course, when he showed it to me I had to give him some money for it. Little did I know, it seems that everyone that saw it had the same thought. He'd racked up quite a stash before I'd gotten there. I need to remember to get one for my future kids. It's quite a racket. Dakota and I wrestled and played in the yard. I tought him how to kick a ball. I taught him how to kick a ball off of my toe like in a football game. I even included a "War Eagle" prior to the kick for special effects.
Afterwards, we went to church to see my best friend's kid be baptised. He's about 6 months old and looks just like his dad. We all went back to his house afterwards for dinner. For whatever reason, it's etiquette to have friends and family over after your kid's baptism. Is it a Southern thing? I don't know. Of my friend's 5 brothers and sisters, there have been 5 boys born with a year. Amazing. Not all of them were there, but with the friends and other family members there, there was quite a gathering of little ones. We had criers, dancers, thumb suckers, gigglers, and pukers. Normally after a day like today, I'd find myself wanted to run away and find a quite little spot to chill out away from all the kids, but not tonight. For whatever reason I saw the beauty and magic of kids and how wonderful of a gift they are from God. Though they come in small packages, they give us a little insight into how God sees us. Just as we love our children, God loves us - even more so. There's a special bond between a parent and a child. I don't think the child could ever love the parent as much as the parent loves the child. The child could never disappoint the parent so much as to cause the parent not to love the child. This is the beauty of God's love. Despite our continuing failures and disobedience, he still loves us as much as ever. Hard to believe. I am so very thankful.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Ear Infection - Sounds lovely right?
This past week I forgot to pack my ear plugs in my swim bag prior to a training session. The result was a little water in my right ear. I’ve had problems with this ear for the past year or so. A few years ago I busted my ear drum when I fell off of a tube being pulled behind a boat. Didn’t think too much of it at the time, but last December my ear became infected after you guessed it, getting water in it. I went to see a specialist who after 5 months of treatment determined that the ear was healed. So back into the water I went. Didn’t have any problems over the summer, but of course I always used my ear plugs.
So after my ear started bothering me again this weekend, I got a little nervous. I went to see a “doc in the box” who confirmed that the hole had not healed. He prescribed some antibiotics, gave me a shot in the rump, and made an appointment for me to see the specialist again.
This is really bumming me out. Other than my ear draining and irritating the crap out of me, I’m probably going to miss swimming entirely during the off-season. I love to swim and it feels so good to glide through the water. It’s such a good work-out and the thought of dropping it for a while is so depressing.
I’ll find out on Oct 4th what my options are for my ear. More than likely, it will end in surgery which is never fun. In the meantime, I’ll spend my time running and biking.
So after my ear started bothering me again this weekend, I got a little nervous. I went to see a “doc in the box” who confirmed that the hole had not healed. He prescribed some antibiotics, gave me a shot in the rump, and made an appointment for me to see the specialist again.
This is really bumming me out. Other than my ear draining and irritating the crap out of me, I’m probably going to miss swimming entirely during the off-season. I love to swim and it feels so good to glide through the water. It’s such a good work-out and the thought of dropping it for a while is so depressing.
I’ll find out on Oct 4th what my options are for my ear. More than likely, it will end in surgery which is never fun. In the meantime, I’ll spend my time running and biking.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Mourning the loss of day light
This morning I rolled out of bed at 5:45 for a little pre-work bike ride. I had laid out my long sleeve jacket and leggings the night before because when I did this last week, I nearly froze my tail off in the lower 60 degree weather. Well, I wouldn't need them as this morning was a pleasant 78 degrees. I was kinda frustrated with the sun though. There was never any substantial sun until about 6:20. Not having to dodge cars was nice, but I kept having to swing around runners and walkers going 3 wide. No worries, the air was perfect for the ride.
I'm really worried though about the pending fall and winter months. It's really depressing to come home after work and it be too dark to ride. I'll be forced indoors for biking and will find myself wearing a reflective vest and blinker while running. Not looking forward to that. Right now it's staying light until about 6:45 in the evenings. That time will be gone soon as well.
Another thought for anyone with advice -- I know I sweat a lot, but it seems I can't wash the stench off my exercise gear. I've had most of them for a couple of years. I wash them regularly and switch them out a good bit. I'm having the most trouble with my Nike shirts. I don't know if it's that after a while the stench just soaks in or if there's something else I should be doing. Until, I figure it out, I'll be searching for some more gear.
I'm really worried though about the pending fall and winter months. It's really depressing to come home after work and it be too dark to ride. I'll be forced indoors for biking and will find myself wearing a reflective vest and blinker while running. Not looking forward to that. Right now it's staying light until about 6:45 in the evenings. That time will be gone soon as well.
Another thought for anyone with advice -- I know I sweat a lot, but it seems I can't wash the stench off my exercise gear. I've had most of them for a couple of years. I wash them regularly and switch them out a good bit. I'm having the most trouble with my Nike shirts. I don't know if it's that after a while the stench just soaks in or if there's something else I should be doing. Until, I figure it out, I'll be searching for some more gear.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Back in Training
This week marks the first week of off-season training. Kinda odd to be already working on next year, but I know I've got a lot to work on. This week I met with my coach who professionally fit me on my bike. I'm not in a better position to churn out some power while giving myself more room to breathe. He's also giving me some pointers on pedal strokes, but hopefully will increase my efficiency and help me to use different leg muscles, thus giving me a little help in the run portion. I haven't had time this week to really put some miles on the bike, but looking forward to it.
Last night, I met with Coach for a swim assessment. After watching me swim a few laps to check my form, he said, "well, you won't drown." Thus began the tinkering and rebuilding of my swim stroke. Swimming is all about efficiency in the water. I'm a stocky 180 lbs at 5'11''. Maybe closer to 5'10''. I'm fairly muscular so I sink like a rock. After a few, technic instructions, I have a good base to build on. My hope is that sometime this weekend I'll be able to practice what I've learned. I've never felt like such a spaz in the water until yesterday. It's all for the hope of improving though.
Last night, I met with Coach for a swim assessment. After watching me swim a few laps to check my form, he said, "well, you won't drown." Thus began the tinkering and rebuilding of my swim stroke. Swimming is all about efficiency in the water. I'm a stocky 180 lbs at 5'11''. Maybe closer to 5'10''. I'm fairly muscular so I sink like a rock. After a few, technic instructions, I have a good base to build on. My hope is that sometime this weekend I'll be able to practice what I've learned. I've never felt like such a spaz in the water until yesterday. It's all for the hope of improving though.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Frantic Frog Triathlon

This morning began at 4:50 am. By 5:00 I was eating oatmeal and peanut butter crackers. Had to get my calories in. We stopped off at McDonald's for Lauren to get coffee and a biscuit. Oh, coffee. Here's a story. We were staying at the Econo Lodge in Scottsboro. It didn't seem to be the nicest of hotels from the outside, so just on a whim I checked with Nell at the front desk to make sure they had coffee in the room. She said they didn't, but she lent us a coffee maker and coffee. Lauren about fell out of the car when she saw me returning to the car with a coffee maker under my arm. Well, we didn't have cream or sugar with us, so we didn't bother with making coffee that morning. We're kinda coffee snobs any way.
So, after McDonald's we made our way over to the race which was being held in Goose Pond Colony. There were just over 400 participants and I was scheduled to start 26th. They do a pier start, which means you have to jump from a pier, while keeping your googles on your face and making sure you get moving so the person behind you doesn't land on top of you. We went off two at time, which I didn't like. The water got crowded quickly. I couldn't get into a rhythm and soon found myself sucking wind. I finished the swim portion about a minute over what I'd hoped for. I forced a few good thoughts into my head on the way to my bike. It worked. I felt great on the bike. I was worried because due to my traveling, I hadn't touched my bike in two weeks. I was soaring on the bike until we turned onto a side road, which is at best a paved gravel road. I felt every bump. Everyone suffered. The bumpy road brought everyone to a halt. It was awful. I was barely able to keep my speed over 15 mph. I don't think I lost my place with anyone, because I was still passing more than I was getting passed. I was able to finish strong once I made it back onto a smoother road and completed the bike leg about where I expected. In all, except for spilling a GU packet on myself, I was happy with my bike. The run was just a 5K. I handled it well. Had good energy and felt like I ran a good leg. My total time was unofficially 1:12:20. We'll see where I placed among the other participants once they post the results.
This was the last race of the season for me. Well, it's the last Tri anyway. Kinda sad about that, but looking forward to running a few races and training for the Mercedes 1/2 Marathon in February. Special thanks to my wife Lauren who supported me and followed me around to all my races. I love you and am so glad you're my wife and best friend.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Drinking My Weight
Sounds a little devious doesn't it? Well, I'm not talking about beer, not even my precious Fat Tire Beer. What I am talking about is wonderful, life giving, crystal clear water. I did in fact finally sign up with a coach today to help me train for triathlons smarter and more efficiently. With two days to go before my race in Scottsboro he gave me a few pointers as far as nutrition. Today I am to consume protein, ehite protein such as fish, chicken, and eggs preferably. Secondly, he advised for me to drink my weight in water over the next 24 hours. WHAT??? Sounds crazy to me too. So, since noon I've lugging around my nalgene bottle downing water between trips to the bathroom. Between the hours of 1:30 and 5:30, I drank 64 ounzes of water and urinated 5 times. My feet hurt from burning up the carpet between my office and the potty down the hall. So far tonight, I've finished off another 40 or so ounzes. I sincerely doubt that I'll be able to drink 180 lbs of water. I've only done 5 lbs so far. Really I think the point was for me to drink a lot of water so that I'm well hydrated for the race. I think I'm getting that now.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Being out of town and Feeling a little out of shape
So last week I was in Vegas. Nice restraunts, big catered lunches, sitting around discussing work, airports, yuk! I returned home on Thursday in time to kiss the wife and meet the guys at a sports bar for wings and beer. It's the first night of college football, and it had to be celebrated. Immediately following work on Friday, Lauren and I head down to Mobile, AL to see her folks. Cheeseburger and french fries was the meal for the night. The weekend consisted of watching football and more big meals, generally more than I would eat at home. Monday night we return home in time to meet some friends at a Mexican restaurant. Tuesday, we had a group over from church, spaghetti was on the menu. SO CRAP!!! Have I just been a freaking pig over the last 2 weeks. I feel like a blob. I promise we don't normally eat like this. Luckily, Lauren is a very good cook, but she is healthy cook. So I'm soooo looking forward to being at home and eating her cooking. Not being at home takes a toll on what you eat. I don't know what it is about being out of town that makes us (me) over indulge. It's also so much harder to get out and exercise. I always take my running shoes wherever I go, so I'm usually able to get a run in, but I really miss out on swimming, biking, and if you can't tell, eating healthy.
I have a race coming up this weekend. I've heard tapering is good before a race. Well, I have just pulled off the king of tapers. I've eaten like a pig and barely moved a muscle to burn any of it off. I should be well rested going into the race. I just hope that it doesn't kill me. I'm going to detox over the next few days. Oatmeal for bfast, salad for lunch. Thankfully, Lauren is cooking tomorrow night. Glad to be home.
I have a race coming up this weekend. I've heard tapering is good before a race. Well, I have just pulled off the king of tapers. I've eaten like a pig and barely moved a muscle to burn any of it off. I should be well rested going into the race. I just hope that it doesn't kill me. I'm going to detox over the next few days. Oatmeal for bfast, salad for lunch. Thankfully, Lauren is cooking tomorrow night. Glad to be home.
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