Sunday, December 31, 2006
Brick Mason
The road conditions were sketchy. Not too slick, but enough to keep me at a slower pace. Breaking was difficult needless to say. Within like 10 minutes of the start the bottom fell out again and it started pouring. I ditched my shades due to water build up and took on the wind and the rain with my bare eyes. Seeing a little was better than not at all. Luckily the rain broke and we could see the clouds behind us clearing so we knew the ride back would be easier. About half way into the ride, we hit some dryer areas and really started to push it. I felt a little more confident with the conditions and pressed the accelerator a bit. My legs held strong on the hills, and I really started to feel good.
Back at home base, we made a quick change and hit the roads. The route took us along a busy road which wasn't perfect for running but we made due. I could really feel the hills in my quads. Cardio-wise, I felt strong and started to hit my stride on the flats. It was those damned hills that got me though. The last mile I pushed it hard. I was so ready to be done, but really glad that I had the chance to see what I could do.
Final stats on the day: 19.5 miles at a 18.9 mph avg and 7.5 miles in 54:45 which is a 7:26 pace. As I sitting here typing my legs are already sore. I know tomorrow is going to be even worse. Will have to ride a little to work the soreness out.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
The rain held off!
Tomorrow, we're doing an end of the year brick. The ride will be 20 miles followed by a 7 mile run. Going to start hydrating now. Really looking forward to this, we'll see how my legs handle the transition. I've only done one brick in the past month.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Time to get back on Track
I started the day off with protein, chicken and salad at lunch, low carbs at dinner, and small snacks in between. Not perfect, but it was better than the past three weeks. We were traveling today so I did the best I could.
I made it out for a quick run today. The sun was still out, but the temp was dropping quickly. I didn't feel like doing the prescribed hill repeats so I decided to run three miles through a hilly section of town at a quick pace. I managed to do 3.25 miles in 22:11 which puts my time at a 6:48 pace. Not too bad. My knee felt great which is encouraging. Tomorrow will be hill repeats on the bike. You know I'm really enjoying my time on the bike these days. Didn't think I'd ever get to that point. Bad news ahead though, the long ride I was planning on doing on Saturday will be rained out more than likely. Maybe if I had a trainer like someone I know, I'll call "BZuck", it wouldn't be so bad. But alas, instead of training on my own bike, I'll be in the freaking gym. Yeah me.
I picked up two books for Christmas. Lance Armstrong's "It's Not About the Bike" and "J. Edgar Hoover" by Curt Gentry. I started reading the book on Hoover this weekend. With each page I am becoming more and more disenfranchised with our country's actions following the first World War. The sinister actions of a few have forever put a black mark on the history of how our great nation handled emigrants and those seeking freedom. I'll post more on this as I read more, but needless to say J. Edgar will not make my list of heroes.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas In Mobile
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Cool pic from SI.Com and Travels

Check this pic out. It's from the start of the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. Amazing. The water is just white from all the churning. It gets me out of breath just looking at it.
I've only competed in races with staggered starts. Every 5 seconds. Have any of you competed in a race with a mass start? With all the chaos of a staggered start, I can't imagine what it must be like in a mass start. Lots of kicking and grabbing I'm sure. Sometimes I feel like I'm apologizing for the full length of the swim.
I'm headed to Mobile, AL this weekend to see my wife's family. They are great folk. I'm sure I'll be playing a bit of golf, but I'll also find time to train as well. Sunday will be my long run, 9 miles. I found a group to ride with on Tuesday morning. My only beef is that they start at 5:15 am! It's not even light outside yet. I've been wanting to get a ride in down there, so I'll suit up and turn my lights on for this one. Should be fun. Merry Christmas everyone.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Why do I do it?
All that to set up this situation. At work, I'm used to dealing with professionals or people who are in the industry and know what they're talking about. As of late, I've had to do a lot of work with a good number of Joe Schmoes;people off the street with no more knowledge of my industry than Anna Nicole Smith (so it's safe to say that I'm not in the business of loud obnoxious drunks, marrying rich old men, sleazy movies, or trim spa) I'm in insurance by the way. These Joes are not my customers or even my customers' customers - so no love there.
So I get this call and from the word go, I know it's a Joe because it's the 30th call I've received of this type today. It goes like this:
"This is Matt, may I help you"
"Uh yeah, this is Joe Schmo and I was told to give you a call."
"Ok, who told you to call me?"
"Uh, my dad." - by the sound of his voice, Joe was my age.
"Alright, why did your dad tell you to call me?"
"I don't know, he just told me to call and said that you could help me."
At this point I knew why he was calling and what he needed, but I'm a jerk and I really wanted this guy to know why he was calling me.
"Help you with what" I ask.
"Uh, I don't know, he just said to call"
"Well Joe, can you have your dad call me, I can't help you if you don't know why you're calling me."
"Ok, bye"
I had ample opportunity to help this guy out, but I'm a jerk and I didn't have the patience for him. It's pretty tough when you can see one of your short comings so clearly. The mirror is pretty tough to look at sometimes. Thankfully I am loved despite my short comings. So is Joe. I need to do a better job of remembering that. - John 13:35
Friday, December 15, 2006
Long Week
One good thing of note, I went to the doctor on Monday and my ear was issued a clean bill of health. He suggested that I stay out of the water for another month, but said it wasn't necessary. He was concerned that the ear, while healed, might still be susceptible to getting infected. I'm going to give it until January 1 and then take the plunge. I'm ready.
Does anyone have any preference on brand of Tri Shorts? I have two pair. One is wearing thin and the other rubs me the wrong way. So, before I start the race season I'm going to need to buy some new shorts. Please send me any suggestions.
This weekend includes a 5 mile run (in about 30 minutes), a 2 hour ride and weights tomorrow, and a 9 mile run on Sunday. Here's praying for mild temps and a tail wind. Later.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
2 Runs and a Ride with a Pro
Today was my long run. 9 miles. I was a little apprehensive about the run today since my knee was aching after 8 last Sunday, but I thought I'd give it a try. Just moderate pain throughout the run. Just a little discomfort, but I am going to make a point to stay off of it for a few days. Over all the run went well. DCavin ran the last 3 with me which was helpful. Cardio wise, I felt like I could run for days. I could tell I needed to take some fuel with me next time. My energy level was low during the last miles.
By the way, did anyone happen to catch the Ironman World Championship from Hawaii on TV this weekend. Wow! A two hour spot on TV for Ironman. Loved every bit of it. I'd love to be there one day. Buck, you're going to have to get there this year without me, but I'll be extremely jealous.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Doesn't this look good?

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Tough Run
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Cold, cold morning
Overall, training is going well. I just wish it was a little warmer.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Oh, I'm hurtin....
At Dreamland, you are immediately served a loaf of white bread still in the plastic bag and their secret sauce for dipping. While they are working on your order, you dine on this delicious soft white bread that's been smothered in the sauce. It's a golden time. It's like a foretaste of what's to come. And then, they bring the ribs. (insert heavenly music here) It doesn't take long for them to bring them out, cause they've been cooking for hours. Man they're good! Once they hit the lips, it's soooo good. And this is what gets me. These wonderful ribs and the fluffy white bread just sits in my belly reminding me of what I've done. Oh tummy, why do I torture you?
So I'm thinking ahead to tomorrow's ride. With this wonderful lump of meat and bread in my belly, what's my energy going to be like. Will I throw up at mile 20? Will I bonk on the hills? Well, we'll find out. I may have just set my training back a whole week, but to tell you the truth.. it was worth it.