Sunday, April 29, 2007
Arch Mounted Cleats
So on to training: This weekend, Lauren and I went down to Perdido Key, FL to spend the weekend with her folks. Of course, I brought along my trusty Cervelo and running shoes. Between Perdido, Orange Beach, and Gulf Shores there's a nice smooth bike lane that stretches 17 miles along the shore. Even though you're almost guaranteed to face a wind from some direction, the ride is incredible. Saturday I hit the road for a hard 32 miles. I worked on what Coach calls intervals, but I've renamed "pulsing." Push it hard, then recover, repeat. I've found that over the course of the ride I'm able to keep a higher speed. It's a tool that I was supposed to use in my last tri but failed miserably. So for now, I continue to work on it.
Today, oh my goodness. I did 20 hard miles along the same course, then followed that up with an 8 mile run. The run was a battle the entire way. "Matt, just do 4." "Matt, why don't you walk a little." Mentally it was a dog fight, and I was exhausted. But I finished it in 61 minutes. So big deposit into the bank on that one.
Hope all is well.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
So, here's how this is going to play out. On May 19th, gather your friends, training buddies, whoever and pick out a spot to hold YOUR race. You can do the swim in the pool, in a lake, or even in an ocean (Crash). Likewise, the bike can be completed on the road or on the trainer. Need I go on about the run? As for the distances, I'm only going to set a minimum. What would be the purpose of going easy? This is all in hopes of better preparing you for your race season. The minimum distances are as such, 400 m swim, 15 mi bike, and a 3 mi run. These are the distances that I will post on the t-shirt.
Oh that's right, there's going to be a t-shirt. If you read this mess I call a blog for any length of time, you've discovered that I have a certain disdain for race tees. I'm a pretty hard critique, so you know I've put some time and effort into these shirts. is a great little site where you can create shirts and make them available on-line. The shirts are made to order, so once I make the link available, click it and buy the shirt. And yes, they are going to be sweeeeet!
So to the Birmingham and Alabama contingent, we'll be holding our version of the Carbon Man Triathlon out at Oak Mtn State park. I have already signed two guys up. My wife has offered to watch our stuff before and after transitions. I'll be in contact with each of you to make sure you're on board. To all my friends abroad, let's make it a huge event. I'll be looking for your race report.
That's it. I hope you weren't expecting too much. If you've found your site linked on this post, that means 1. I read your blog, 2. I think my friends should too, and 3. I'm putting extra heat on you to do this race!
T-shirt link soon to follow.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Training update:
Sunday 32 mile ride (1:40)/ 8 mile run (1:03)
Monday 2400 m swim (1600 in 26:24 & 8 X 100's on 1:33)
Tomorrow - Biking Powerman course - Booyah!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Frank Maples Reverse Sprint Tri

So today I completed the Frank Maples Memorial Triathlon. It's a reverse sprint tri up in the small town of Scottsboro, AL. The run was a short 2 miles with a 15 mile bike and a 200 m swim.

So, a good race overall. It was quick and easy. I learned a lot about myself and how to compete today. I would have like to have finished a little higher, but I'm taking away a good deal of knowledge on how to push myself and how to reel in my competitors.
Tomorrow's another big brick. 35 miles, then 8 mile run. Can't wait.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Don't Piss Him Off!

Monday, April 16, 2007
Time to move on and turn it up a notch

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007
Race Week
I'm currently working on drinking as much water as possible. Being at a work convention, I've gotten a lot of odd stares carrying around a bottle of water the whole time and only picking at certain foods. Special diets and planned meals and drinks are all part of the method that WILL help me on Sunday.
So look for an update on Sunday regarding the race. My bike is cleaned up and all sparkly, the shoes are shined, the diet is tuned in and on track, and most importantly the mind is focused and optimistic. Good luck to everyone racing.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Good Friday and a pretty decent Saturday
Saturday - Big.Day. Very excited. Team Transitions (as ZBuck calls it) had scheduled a brick for 7 in the morning. I woke up around 5:30 to eat and get my stuff together. I made it over to Transitions just before 7 with the music rocking on the stereo. I was pumped. The problem was, no one else was there. Damn it. I'm going to have to do this alone. Not cool. Not fun. Nonetheless, I was there to train so I took off on my run. Did I mention it was freaking cold? 34 degrees was the temp with winds approaching downright ridiculous. Even though I had gloves on, my hands numbed up and swoll pretty quickly. I put in a quick three at my planned 7 minute per mile pace and practiced my transitions.
I took off on the bike to head over to the Powerman course. The wind, oh the wind was shocking. Somewhere along a straightaway my forehead froze to a point that it was painful. It was 6 miles to the course which was a perfect warm up before hitting the hills. I had just finished the first big hill and was heading down the other side, when I saw a familiar mug heading up. It was Coach. I spun my bike around and started sprinting up the hill trying to catch him. I caught up with him at the top where I found out the plan was to meet at the course rather than at Transitions. I headed off down the hill behind him where he took off and left me. Dude's been doing some work. He's not the same athlete he was the last time we rode together. He was an animal. With my legs still burning from that hill sprint, it was all I could do to keep him in sight.
I broke off from Coach back at the beginning of the course and decided to attack it again. It was a rough ride with the wind and cold, but it was well worth it. 37 miles of challenging hills and a stout wind is a good day for me.
Lauren and I went over to the Barber Motorsport Park to watch a Road Race. All Categories were represented, and it was a pretty tight event. It was exciting to watch, but at the same time tough to not be out there. Maybe next time. Hope everyone has a good Easter. Praise God there's a reason to celebrate tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Stubbed toes and Mantras
Well seeing how I’m still traveling, I’ve had some time to read up on a few of my favorite periodicals, namely Runner’s World and Bicycling. A couple of articles have resonated with me. If you haven’t read RW yet, pick it up and read the article entitled “Choice Words.” It’s a piece discussing the conversations you have with yourself and the mantras you repeat to yourself while running or whatever.
I talk to myself constantly. Throughout my training I continue to give myself little psychological tests. I know that attitude has a lot to do with how I perform. I’ve seen it first hand, none so much as in the Frantic Frog Tri last year. I was able to create a mindset that I believe helped me put in my best time for a Sprint Tri to date.
So let’s start there. Do you have mantras that you use to get you through a hard session? Do you talk to yourself? Throw out some mental feelers? What seems to help?
After reading the article, I found one that I’m going to take with me for my next race. Before the Chicago Marathon, Deena Kastor’s coach said to her, “Today, define yourself.” You know, I’d like to make that my mantra each day of my life to tell you the truth. Some days I know I’ll wake up and hope that my crappy attitude doesn’t define me. I’ll hope that I just make it through the day, but most days will be days that I want to set myself aside from the rest by working a bit harder and pushing myself to my full potential not just as a Triathlete, but as a husband, employee, and friend.
So give it a shot. Find a mantra that works for you and use it to define yourself today.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
O Canada - Why doth thou request my presence?

So hello from Toronto. It's not quite as sunny and bright as this picture would have you believe. In fact, it's nasty, rainy, and cold - more so than any Alabamian should have to endure.
I'm up here for work for a few days. Nonetheless, I am relentless in my pursuit to not miss out on training. I made it out on the road this morning before my flight left B'ham. It was actually a great ride. I went out to the Powerman course again to familiarize myself with the course. I want to know when to push it and when to sit back and small ring it. I'm feeling better about the race than I did previously. My brick on Sunday had a lot to do with that. Tomorrow, I'll be getting up a little earlier than I need to for a morning jog. We'll see what this town looks like from foot.
I did visit the CN Tower while I was here. I had dinner at the top which had an incredible view of the city and the "lake." Somehow I ended up sneaking into the Skydome where the Blue Jays play. I just walked around like I knew what I was doing. Off to bed now to rest up for more adventures. Stay tuned.
Sunday, April 01, 2007

I'm sure this picture will get the point across as to what's going on with me right now. I went to the Lake yesterday and had a fish fry with my folks. Due to this triathlon crap, I'd cut fried foods out of my diet. Now apparently, the ole stomach doesn't approve when I have the occasional piece of fried fish followed by a crispy hush puppy. I'm glad it doesn't treat me this bad after beer.
Weekend workouts:
Sat: 5 mile run / 17 mile ride
Sun: 17 mile ride/ 8 mile run