Wednesday, January 23, 2008

G.I. Distress

I've been a little off this week as it seems I've developed a bit of a stomach issue. Normally, I have an iron stomach that rarely seems any flashes of trouble this side of extra spicy hotwings or extra greasy food. This week for some reason, things just aren't right.
Good news though, it had zero effect on my 2nd swim of the year yesterday. Contrary to my former posts where I spewed forth my loathing of the pool, I've actually really enjoyed just getting in the pool and putting in some work. I can't tell you how far I went or what my average pace was. It didn't matter. All I wanted to do was get in and go. I loved ever minute of it. Sometimes it takes a little time off from something for you to realize how much you miss it.
This weekend, if all goes well, I have one final long'ish run before the marathon. Hopefully, with some stomach friendly foods over the next couple of days, I'll actually feel up to completing it.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Yea Matt!
Glad to hear from you. Hope your stomach distress gets better!
Take Care