Sunday, April 01, 2007


I'm sure this picture will get the point across as to what's going on with me right now. I went to the Lake yesterday and had a fish fry with my folks. Due to this triathlon crap, I'd cut fried foods out of my diet. Now apparently, the ole stomach doesn't approve when I have the occasional piece of fried fish followed by a crispy hush puppy. I'm glad it doesn't treat me this bad after beer.

Weekend workouts:

Sat: 5 mile run / 17 mile ride

Sun: 17 mile ride/ 8 mile run


JeffM said...

Still able to do 2 bricks- a true triathlete!

Neese said...

aw man, sorry you are hurtin...

TMckay said...

Matt, sorry we missed you this weekend, but then again....the whole fried fishy thing...ugh..

Hey, sorry we missed you this weekend. TRANSITIONS scored 6 trophies in MS, could of had 7 with you there! However, You are true to your workouts and I am proud to coach you....

breathin' down your kneck,

Dances with Corgis said...

Yikes. I didn't even have to read the post the pic was enough to make me cringe. Hope you feel better, Matt.