Sunday, May 13, 2007

CarbonMan T-shirts Are Here!

Finally, finally, finally. Sorry, it's taken me so long to get this posted, but I have to admit, I'm not the most computer savvy. I've shopped my design to a few websites and finally found one that works out. It's not entirely the way I wanted it, but it's close, and I think it's pretty cool. Here's a sneak peek.

So, if you want to order one, click here. Feel free to choose a different type of shirt or color. Have fun with it. If you need to search for it on the site you can search for it in the public shops under "CarbonMan".

As for the weekend, it was incredible. I won't bore you with the details of all the delicious fish I ate or the time I spent basking in the Florida sun. I will tell you that I am 100% ready for my Half Ironman on June 3rd. Today, I suffered through 35 miles on the bike (avg 21 mph) and ran 11 miles (8:43 per mile - YUCK!). I write off my avg mile on the run to poor nutrition and lack of hydration. I carried a 20oz Gatorade with me on the run, and it wasn't enough. I found a few fountains in resorts along the way to dunk my head in to cool me off. So, June 3rd is only 3 weeks away, and I can't wait. I'm ready to be 1/2 an Ironman.


Neese said...

I think that'll look fine on a t-shirt, don't forget I do that kinda thing if you ever want help.

And, 8:43 average for 11 miles!?? I know it's not what you wanted, but I think it's great, it's better than 8:44 :)

Molly said...

I agree with Neese...8:43 sounds great...especially as an average.

Glad you had a good time...I am off to Turks and Cacois on Wednesday...can't wait!

Take Care

Crash said...

I managed to get the CarbonMan done out here in Thailand. I didn't count my transitions or elevator time back to my room.

500m Swim - 8:24
17.8 Mile Bike - 29:43
5k Run - 19:04

Good times and I got a few others to participate as well - race report to follow.

Crash said...

change that 17.8 mile to 17.8 k (11 miles)