About a month ago due to some shifting around the office, I lucked out and was promoted to an office with a window. Woo hoo! Instead of having just the life sucking halogen lights, I now have a full wall of natural light streaming in. Have you seen Joe vs. the Volcano where Joe describes the lighting at his job in the prosthetics clinic? It wasn't that bad, but I do feel like everything is in color now.
So this glorious window that I now have is attached to a building sitting in Homewood, AL which just so happens to be the cycling and endurance sport headquarters of our great city of Birmingham. All epic rides and runs leave from Homewood. This window just so happens to sit about 30 feet from a popular route taken by cyclist and runners heading out. At first, I thought this was kind of cool. I've seen different cycling teams heading out all geeked out in their matching outfits. I've watched Birmingham's top runner along with countless others doing hill repeats on this road. For a while, I enjoyed it, but now... now I think they are taunting me.
I mean, I'm sitting here working (for the most part) and they're 1. not working! 2. doing the very thing that I love to do and 3. shoving it in my face! What the heck? I mean what kind of job do these folks have that enable them to take off for a ride at 10 am on a Thursday? And where can I get an application? Seriously, let me in on your secret.
But this morning, my hopes are up because I'm heading to the beach today. I'm taking my bike and my running shoes. And there's no animosity for the cyclists that just flew past my window. I wish them well because it just started raining. hee hee hee.