Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Changing Up the Game Plan (a bit)

You know that orange in the back of your fridge? You know, the one you've been saving. You can't wait to slice it up and suck down the juices, but there it sits. You know it's there. You still want it, but still it stays in there. Couped up. Slowly deteriorating. The once ripe luscious fruit will soon become a chilled moldy turd. That's how I feel right now. I'm wasting away.

Not being able to throw down the training hours that I'm used to has greatly put a cramp in my fitness. Since I have a cap of 5 hours of exercise per week, my workouts have been uninspired and unfocused. Yes, there is something to be said for taking it easy, relaxing, and enjoying the experience, BUT nothing trumps the competitive side that says "if you aren't improving, you're wasting your time." So with that said, I've decided to add some focus to my workouts with putting some set goals for each discipline. What I've done is to focus on my favorite distance race, the intermediate/Olympic , and set speed goals for each leg. To do so, I will be turning up the intensity of my work outs a bit and include periodical time trials to test my progress.

Here's how a typical week will look:

Monday - 1 hour run - 7 miles

Tuesday - Swim 4x500 at race pace - core exercises to follow

Wednesday - Track work - mix of 400s and 800s

Thursday - Swim - 10 x 50, 5 x 100, sprints on 1:00

Friday - Swim 45 minutes - easy - core exercises to follow

Saturday - 30 mile time trial on bike, brick 6 mile run.

Sunday - rest

So far the week has gone well. Tonight will be my third week of completing track work, and I've enjoyed seeing the improvements in my runs. Track work totally sucks, but it really pays off.

Hope every one's season is going well. A bit fist pump to everyone racing this weekend in CDA (Blink, Big-Un, Tac, Al, Tri-Guy,Momo). I look forward to tracking your race on Sunday.



Paul said...

Looks like a good way to put some focus on it! Hang in there, it won't be forever!

Crash said...

Checking in home-slice! Stick with and you can have that orange...

Lori said...

Hi there
I enjoy reading your blog.
I got tagged with 5 running questions and I would enjoy reading your responses if you have the time.
See my blog post for more info:
