Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And Let it Begin....Again

Well, the off season was fun. Now it's time to get back to work. I've targeted the Mercedes Marathon here in Birmingham on Feb. 10th to be my first attempt at the distance. It's hard to believe because February seems so far away, but it's only 16 weeks out. I've got my work cut out for me as I'm going to need to work on speed a bit. I know, I know it's a marathon, but I've got a goal. The pace I trained at for the 1/2 IM is a bit slower than what I want to push for the mary. So needless to say, it's back to the track for a little speed work.

Here's some good news to go along with that. I have a new "running" partner. I say "running" because I'm the only one running while she is riding this:

Last week, we bought Lauren a bike to cruise around the neighborhood on. It's a Trek 7100 and it's perfect. So far, we've only logged 11 miles together, but it's a great way to spend time with the wife while getting some exercise in. She looks totally cute wearing the bike helmet too, so that's a plus.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.


Spandex King said...

Good luck to you!! My first marathon will come at the end of my Ironman. I'm scared to death of this. I've never run further than a half. Every time I finished I was glad I was done and not half done.

Carrie said...

Ut oh, looks like she's getting closer to triathlon!

Lauren said...

If this is me getting closer to a triathlon, I'm progressing v-e-r-y slowly!

Paul said...

LOL that awesome! Suzie and I do that too. She uses the beach cruiser for my flat shorter runs and uses the mt bike when I need to go faster or run some hills! It's super cool. Only she can't bike right now with the big belly :)

Good luck with the marathon training!!

Brent Buckner said...

I'm sure the company improves the quality of the training miles!

Oly said...

Cool that your getting your spouse involved.

I do the same thing only with my girls. It's pretty fun and the speed work of trying to keep up with them gets the training job done.