This excites me to no end. While the time to hang up the aero bars for the season is just around the corner, I’ll be going out in style. I have two full months to prepare with only one little speed bump (a sprint) in the middle. These next two months will be focused on one distance and one distance only. It’s going to be beautiful.
I'm a little off on my training this week due to the race this past week, but I'm looking forward to getting back on track. I've only managed 1 swim, 1 run, and 2 rides. I have two long bricks this weekend. The plan for these is endurance and form, not speed. Hope all is well. Thanks for reading.
Just can't let go!
Sounds like a fun way to end the season. Happy trainging
I will not be surprised when I am reading about you signing up for an ironman soon!
Take Care
Awesome! You sound all zen'd (zenned?) out on this one... focused on "one distance and one distance only" Go get it, Matt! :)
Go out in style :)
I don't think any of us have our perfect race first time out at a new distance. It takes time to build/learn that syle of racing.
Looks like you have the mindset and the knowledge from your last 1/2 to kick some serious tail in this upcoming race.
crush it.
Sounds like a plan Matt. You'll kill that race. Don't let the speed go too much, it'll help your race a lot.
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