I'll have to admit, at first when I read this, I was disappointed, but supportive. My good friend Zbuck made a very heartfelt and tough decision this past week. I trust that he weighed his options completely and didn't make the decision lightly. If you knew Zbuck, you'd find that he is one of the most like able guys you'll ever meet. Easy going, but passionate. You might even be able to get past that he pulls for this team:

So, through the exchange of a few emails, I felt like I got a pretty good idea of where Buck was coming from when he decided to focus more on golf and less on triathlons. Buck promised me that he was still going to train hard so as to complete his goal of kicking ass at Mtn Lakes this year. I believe him too. Once he reaches his goal at Southeast Sprint Championship, he transitions for the last time into the pleated shorts wearing, golf cart riding, manners watching Joe Golfer. You know to tell you the truth, I'm fine with that.
But there is something I'm not ok with, and it just recently hit me. I'll explain. Thursday, I found myself at the golf course for the first time in I don't know how long. My in-laws are coming in town and my father in law and I are playing golf on Saturday. I haven't picked up the sticks in a while since my training has increased so I decided to go out and knock the dust off the old clubs. After finishing off a medium sized bucket and being fairly confident that I'd made the right decision to stick with Triathlons, I surveyed the greens and rows of golfers. I sized them up. All shapes, sizes, and physical abilities. Men and women of all ages. I didn't like what I saw, and then it hit me. Zbuck, what are you thinking? Now ladies, Zbuck is a single man. Single as they come. A genuine guy that's going somewhere. If I knew any single women in Northern Alabama, I'd do my best to point them in the right direction. But I don't, and now that he's made this decision about Triathlons he's shooting himself in the foot. You gotta think about meeting girls and what the each sport offers! We all know there are some beautiful girls inside and out in the triathlon scene, but I'm really worried about what he'll find at the 19th hole. So here's my call out. Buck! Come to your senses!
Are you willing to exchange this:

For this?!?!

The decision is yours my friend. Happy Friday.
Wow, you really called me out, didn't you? Here are my thoughts:
I still like triathlon, but I am having a hard time findng the motivation to train at the highest level and even to train consistently.
I love golf! I have played all my life and truly miss it. Plus, I am pretty good at it and want to see how good I can become. It comes to me much more naturally than endurance sports. Also, I am not just a golf cart riding fat guy! Zman and I played last night and we walked and carried the bags, we didn't ride around in a cart.
Golf is alot like triathlon in the sense that it isn't a team sport. It is just you against the course, nature, and yourself, just like triathlon. It is a game played between the ears in the mental realm, just like triathlon.
Thanks for the compliments and worrying about me finding the ladies, but I am doing pretty well in the area right now, so I am not worried about it. However, if you find some good women in B'ham, then I am only an hour or so away.
Jeez, loved the pictures at the end! Does make you think:) and I have my own hanging from the fridge too.
Oh yeah, one more thing...here is a picture of a professional female golfer. Step aside Desiree, you have just been replaced by Natalie!
That pic of Natalie Gulbis straight outta photo shop! Pleeeeeze! FHM hasn't put a real photo up in their entire existence. Go ahead and keep trying Seersucker!
Crushing....ZBuck in argyle, knickerbockers, and a beret - WTF??
oh, and reading a post about what you did to improve your short game just isn't that exciting.
too funny!
Um, so is that hot chica Desiree or do you actually know her?
And there are some hot women golfers, Matt... you are just neglecting them for the sake of arguement. I will have you know I look very cute in my burberry golf outfit and little golf skirt ;)
As for ZBuck's comment that golf is like triathlon, I beg to differ, golf is WAY more mental game than tri. The second you get in your own head.. you are el screwed out there.
There's always...
Pin-Up Golf
OK, that's more about caddies than golfers....
That last pic is disturbing. Somebody pass me a beer (hoping to regain sight).
Stay tuned...
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