Today was the bike and run portion. I found a road close by that I could do 27.5 miles on without interruption of stop lights and intersections. I also wanted to be able to come off the bike and start running as quickly as possible. For those in Birmingham, I chose Rex Lake Rd and started at the Chevron in Leeds. The goal was to push the speed just like I would in a race. I started off the morning with my race day nutrition and downed a few acid zappers. The morning had been over cast so I waited until around 11 am so I'd be able to feel the heat of the day.
Both the bike and the run went really well. I finished both within my planned time frame. The 27.5 mile bike averaged out at 22 mph and the 7 mile run averaged out at 7:35 per mile. I was shocked there. As I mentioned in the past, the last three times I've done this race I've had to walk a good portion. Sad but true. Thanks Transitions! We've made some improvements.
Good news #2. I took a step out of dorkville this weekend and bought a new helmet. I've been riding with an 03 Giro Eclipse which basically looks like a mushroom on top of my head. See here (obviously not a fast transition time):
So, I stepped it up and bought a LAS Squalo. It's super tight and very comfortable. Believe it or not, I could tell a big difference today in the heat. The vents worked really well to keep my noggin cool. The best part is that I don't resemble a mushroom any more.

great pic at the end! rex lake road is fun - some nice hills, fresh pavement, and fun curves... ya just have to beware all the construction traffic. i don't think i ride it averqaging 22 though!
Sounds like an excellent brick on Sunday. 22 on Rex Lake is strong.
you just keep getting better and better - such an inspiration!
hee the might need to let Andra Sue know about those acid zappers...she is having some tummy trouble!
Take Care
Sweet. Congrats on the new purchase. Helmet today, Zipp Zedtechs tomorrow.
you gotta be fast to rock that thing! sweet helmet homie.
That helmet should subtract some time on the bike. If you can master the running mount and dismount like your last post- that can make minutes of difference. I haven't even tried it.
Wicked fast helmet mate.
Nice helmet :) I am also suffering from mushroom on the head syndrome. I see your new "aggressive" mental attitude is working out!
Good luck at the Heart of Dixie. I was doing a google search on the Neshoba County Fair. My brother is the race director (John Williams). Look him up. It's a beast of a race. The run always seems to eat people up. Enjoy the race.
Mark Williams
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