As mentioned in prior posts, this weekend’s race was in connection to the Neshoba County Fair in Philadephia, Miss. This Fair has occurred annually at the same spot since 1889. The grounds themselves are like something I’d never witness before. Surrounding the grand stands and horse track sits a neighborhood of 200 or so rustic 2 and sometimes 3 story cabins. The cabins, which hardly ever come up for sale, consist of a front porch, a kitchen and common area, with one big room upstairs for bunk beds. All have electricity and running water, and most have A/C. Many of these cabins have been updated or rebuilt throughout the years and have become quite a show piece. Families from both sides of the tracks converge and become neighbors in the week and a half long event. Archie Manning and his two sons (Peyton and Eli) were at the fair this year as usual. Their cabin is right behind the one where we were visiting. Local politicians walk from porch to porch handing out fans and vying for support (this is an election year you know!). Kids run wild during the day. Parents simply “tag” their kids by writing their cabin number on their leg in magic marker in case they get in trouble.
The attractions include local’s preserve competitions, an art show, mule pulls, horse races, nightly concerts, the usual fair rides, cake walks, and pretty much anything you could want fried and on a stick. Although, Neshoba County is a dry county you wouldn’t know it by the large coolers and glassy eyed Fair goers. The days are somewhat tame, but the night time is when the partying starts. So I hear.
There is an unspoiled feeling you get at the fair though. You see life the way it was 50 years ago before Google, blackberrys, and the café mocha latte. Life is simpler and a little slower. Without the distraction of TVs, people actually sit around,talk, laugh ,and enjoy each other. A beautiful life in its most simplest form. Enjoy the pics.

And the best part?? Spending the weekend with my wonderful wife!
You are so cool! Thanks for starting my day off with a smile - for the record my Mom agreed with your choices!
Looks like a fun place to be...I might have to check it out next year!
Take Care
Cute pics and nice shout out to the wife at the end. :)
There is a state fair up in MA that I used to work at every year, it was HUGE. So much fun watching them judge the roosters and rabbits etc... and the food! oh, the food [/homer voice]
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