Monday, September 18, 2006

Mourning the loss of day light

This morning I rolled out of bed at 5:45 for a little pre-work bike ride. I had laid out my long sleeve jacket and leggings the night before because when I did this last week, I nearly froze my tail off in the lower 60 degree weather. Well, I wouldn't need them as this morning was a pleasant 78 degrees. I was kinda frustrated with the sun though. There was never any substantial sun until about 6:20. Not having to dodge cars was nice, but I kept having to swing around runners and walkers going 3 wide. No worries, the air was perfect for the ride.

I'm really worried though about the pending fall and winter months. It's really depressing to come home after work and it be too dark to ride. I'll be forced indoors for biking and will find myself wearing a reflective vest and blinker while running. Not looking forward to that. Right now it's staying light until about 6:45 in the evenings. That time will be gone soon as well.

Another thought for anyone with advice -- I know I sweat a lot, but it seems I can't wash the stench off my exercise gear. I've had most of them for a couple of years. I wash them regularly and switch them out a good bit. I'm having the most trouble with my Nike shirts. I don't know if it's that after a while the stench just soaks in or if there's something else I should be doing. Until, I figure it out, I'll be searching for some more gear.

1 comment:

JeffM said...

I hate it when the time changes and you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. Last year I did spinning classes and weekend rides.