Monday, October 09, 2006

Something I've discovered about Myself

Well, after 31 years I think it's safe to say that I'm still getting to know myself. No, I haven't discovered a hidden talent or a new wart, but rather a personality trait or a disorder maybe. I've learned that my mood is directly tied to the amount of exercise I'm getting. I don't think it's this runner's high that everyone talks about, although I definitely get that feeling as well. Usually, and a lot of people might say this, I generally feel better about myself if I've had some exercise some time during the day. Weights don't do it. I think it requires sweat, which I do better than most people. I failed to find time to run this weekend and although I did get a good ride in yesterday, I found myself somewhat depressed all weekend. It may have had a lot to do with the tail whoopin my Auburn Tigers took at home, but I think after today's little trip to the track I've figured out the true source. BGillis and I went down to Vestavia's High School track and ran some intervals. Tonight's program was 6 - 600 meter runs at 2:24 clip with 400 meter jogs in between. The run went really well. I finish all of my intervals under my goal time. The eventual goal is to be able to run a 10K at a 6:30 pace (GAG). There's really no hope, but I can try right? I can't even run a 5K at a 7:00 per mile pace yet. Anyway, back to my thought. I left the track feeling on top of the world. I made it home in a so much better temper than I'd been over the last few days. I don't think it was that I had an exceptional Monday either, because it pretty much sucked all day. I know my wife appreciated it too. I've felt like a big grouch all weekend. To that I say I'm sorry honey. Love ya. All this to say is, as long as my legs and knees hold out, I'll keep pushing.


rocketpants said...

I know that feeling oh too well! Keep that thought in mind when the temptation to skip a workout creeps in. :-)

JeffM said...

A 6:30 pace would be smoking fast! I've talked to 2 people who started track workouts and knocked a minute a mile off their pace.

rocketpants said...

I left a comment on my blog in response to your HRM question.

Hope it helps