Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Stubbed toes and Mantras

One more day in Toronto! I’m heading home tomorrow. The trip has been interesting and tiring. I’m currently nursing a ripped up toe from stubbing it in the gym on Monday so running is tough right now. I nearly took all the skin off of the tip of my big toe so needless to say it’s kind of sensitive. But I’m tough, and I’ll survive.
Well seeing how I’m still traveling, I’ve had some time to read up on a few of my favorite periodicals, namely Runner’s World and Bicycling. A couple of articles have resonated with me. If you haven’t read RW yet, pick it up and read the article entitled “Choice Words.” It’s a piece discussing the conversations you have with yourself and the mantras you repeat to yourself while running or whatever.
I talk to myself constantly. Throughout my training I continue to give myself little psychological tests. I know that attitude has a lot to do with how I perform. I’ve seen it first hand, none so much as in the Frantic Frog Tri last year. I was able to create a mindset that I believe helped me put in my best time for a Sprint Tri to date.
So let’s start there. Do you have mantras that you use to get you through a hard session? Do you talk to yourself? Throw out some mental feelers? What seems to help?
After reading the article, I found one that I’m going to take with me for my next race. Before the Chicago Marathon, Deena Kastor’s coach said to her, “Today, define yourself.” You know, I’d like to make that my mantra each day of my life to tell you the truth. Some days I know I’ll wake up and hope that my crappy attitude doesn’t define me. I’ll hope that I just make it through the day, but most days will be days that I want to set myself aside from the rest by working a bit harder and pushing myself to my full potential not just as a Triathlete, but as a husband, employee, and friend.
So give it a shot. Find a mantra that works for you and use it to define yourself today.


Crash said...

yeah buddy. I talk to myself all of the time when I run..I like the stuff that is floating around in my head - it's why I run without my iPod (except on the dreadmil).

JeffM said...

You can work a lot of stuff out while running and having internal dialouge. Lately I've been running with people, so lots of talk/gasp/talk.
That's cool about walking into the skydome.

Dances with Corgis said...

"Today, Define Yourself." I love it. I'll try it. Thanks Matt!

ZBUCK said...

Great post! I have a friend whos Dad used to wake her up every morning by saying: "Are you ready to seize the opportunity that today affords you?" I thought that was great. I like the thought of defining myself!

Neese said...

our comic friend was telling us about a famous actress that before going on stage to stave the nerves and motivate herself to go on she'd chant to herself "f*** em, f*** em, f*** em" LOL! But seriously i often find myself telling myself "just do it" cliche perhaps but it's usually my standard.

TMckay said...

Here's a little diddy for ya -
Its great to hear that you're having internal dialogue rather than IPODDING it all that time - the IPOD can nbe a distraction and establish a pace that maybe too hard or too easy as well as keep you from being mentally prepped!

There is a check list that I go through ALL the time when I run:
where's my chin, Am I looking down or am I looking ahead? Am I carrying my arms or am I using them for propulsion? Next is hip tilt then the I leading with my knees or with my feet? Am I leaning forward or "sitting" in my form? Whats my breathing doing? Whats my attitude? Where will it be in 100 yards? etc.,etc.,

The best time for me to ask these questions are when the chips are down, when the running feels sloppy or when life generally sucks...So, "what's my form and attitude reflect?" is my mantra...

Oh yeah "how close is Matt" is a good one too!

Donald said...

I love Deena's mantra, and your own application of it. Gotta remember that one.