Monday, January 08, 2007


I had an interesting conversation with my wife yesterday. We were discussing cyclists shaving their legs. I've never done it and have no real plans to do it in the future. I'm not a hairy guy anyway, so it's not like it'd be a big difference. There are tons of reasons why I should, namely road rash. The absence of hair is supposed to reduce the grip the asphalt has on your skin when you wreck. Also, it's a lot easier to dress and keep clean. In discussing it with my wife, I wasn't expecting her to have such an adverse reaction to the whole thing. It was funny watching her get fired up about it. "I love your legs the way they are. I don't won't your legs to be smooth! What happens when we go to the beach?"
Well, I'm not planning on shaving my legs. I may regret it if and when I have a wreck, but for now I'll stay the way I am. I may not look like an elite cyclist, but that's not who I am. I'm a husband. I'm a guy who enjoys being active. I'll just take my chances. Maybe I'll consider it when Team Discovery calls and asks me to lead the peloton.

Training this week:
Today: swim 1000 m all out: completed in 16:44
Tues: Spin Class and 7 mile run
Wed: swim drills over 2200 m and 5 mile run
Thurs: Bike - 6 sets of 15 sec sprints on hills
Friday: swim 1100 m drills and 5 mile run
Saturday: 2 hr ride
Sunday: Brick! 20 mile ride and 7.5 mile run


Crash said...

I've been in the dilemma before - to shave or not to shave...So during training I "trim" - I set the guard on the clippers to 1/8". I have hairy legs anyway and can't stand the hobbit look. I shave when it is time to race..I'd probably do it more often, but it is such a pain in the ass.

Spokane Al said...

I agree with you. I dislike shaving my face now, and am just reluctant to add shaving another major part of my body the mix.

JeffM said...

If you get in a race and you lose by seconds- then maybe it would be worth it.
That's a heck of a week of training!!